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Brand Guidelines

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A brand, in its simplest form, is a specific perception about a company, product or service. It is not just a logo.

This perception is created in part by what the company communicates through their messaging and imagery and, secondly, by the experiences of prospects and customers during their interactions with that company, product or service.

The importance of branding is that it separates and identifies a company, product or service as being different and potentially preferable to another company, product or service.

To put it simply, our brand is what other people say about Wajax when we’re not in the room.

For 165 years, Wajax has been serving the industries and the people that have helped build our nation and who continue to propel us forward. We’re proud of our sales and service excellence, our technical expertise, and the world-class brands and products that we provide. But more importantly, we’re proud of the relationships we’ve cultivated with our customers, vendors and within our Wajax team. Without those, we would not be the successful organization that we are today.

Our brand communicates our comprehensive Wajax message and identifies our key value propositions of people and relationships as well as the world-class products we provide.

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Purpose of Document

The intent of this Brand Guideline is to provide a basic understanding of the Wajax brand elements and their correct deployment. As there are many facets to our company, the Brand Guidelines will help establish consistency across day-to-day applications of the brand.

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Branding Support, Approvals & Process

Our brand is one of the company’s most valuable assets. Its value increases as it is used properly and consistently in identifying the company. It unites the company by providing a uniform approach wherever visual identification occurs. Consistently and proper use of the Wajax brand provides a uniform approach wherever visual identification occurs and creates value with all stakeholders.

To ensure consistency across the organization in all brand applications, all Wajax marketing and branding communications must be created and/or approved by the Marketing department before use.

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French Translation Requests

All requests must be submitted to Esther Laguë at

  • French translations will be completed between 4 to 7 business days and queued in based on receipt order.
  • All rush requests will be translated and delivered between 1-2 business days plus a rush fee added to the general translation rate.
  • Note: Turnaround time may vary depending on the copy length.
  • All translations that are Marketing related will be paid by Marketing.

Translations outside of Marketing will be charged back to the department (or branch) team requesting the French translations

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