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Our company Intranet, Navigator, is a place for sharing information, files and for working cross-functionally. It is built on the Microsoft SharePoint Modern platform.

SharePoint is controlled by our IT department and its overall design has been directed by Wajax’s marketing team.

While many areas of SharePoint are open for interaction and exploration, only designated administrators will have permission to make design changes on specific pages or sites, or to post announcements.

Below are some overall guidelines for adding pages and posts in a way that will feel consistent with our overall brand.

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News Template Elements

There are many customizable elements that are used throughout our Wajax Intranet. These elements make use of the JPEG image format and may be updated seasonally, or for different events, contests etc. For the best results, refer to the guides below.

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Page Templates

Page templates have been provided for most team sites on Sharepoint (ie. one column, two columns, PDF embedded).

If they exist, they will be accessible when choosing to add a new Page or News Post.

There are many elements, called “WebParts” available within SharePoint pages, and formatting options will be limited to using options within Wajax’s fonts and colour palette.

All pages should be bilingual. French should follow beneath the English version, following a divider.

Page author, comments and post recommendations can be turned on or off as appropriate.

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News Posts

News posts on our Intranet are required to have a title that is succinct and relates to the news post content. News posts appear on the News page in the form of a list, which shows the post’s feature image, Site Name where the post originated, post title and a small excerpt description. The excerpt may not always be seen, depending on the context in which it appears. All posts must contain a link. All posts must be bilingual, with a pipe “ | “ separating English and French. For the best results, refer to the guide below.